

  1. 答:其实英语专业的论文答辩也没什么特定的开场白和结束语哦。我们答辩的时候,上去就是自己对论文的陈述,也就是内容摘要部分。完含拍段了你就说THAT'贺知S ALL,THANK YOU就行啦。然后老师就开始谈誉对你进行提问。
  1. 答:In business contacts , business correspondence is not only a medium munication,but also establish/set up friendship means to attract customers.business correspondence features and functionality of a business correspondence in the decision must pay attention to the principles of courtesy, the writing of the ess of business has an extremely important impact.Thus,in day-to-day business activities,we should be noted that in the Business English writing the application of the principle of courtesy in order to better co-operation to promote the smooth conduct of business.
  2. 答:In business contacts, the business correspondence is not only the medium municate, but also a means of establishing friendship and attracting customers. The features and functionality of business correspondence decide that the letter must pay attention to the politeness principle. The ess of writing it has an extremely important impact on the business of pany. Thus, in day-to-day business activities, we should noted the application of the politeness principle in the Business English writing in order to promote better co-operation munication in the future business..
问:论文~~结束语 英翻中~~
  1. 答:对人权首兆咐的思绪总是发生变化,不同的立场,情况和时间,根据心理学家的研究。这个念头时,我们还有者纯的在谈判桌上坐在前排的是来自不同坐在桌子旁边,在朋友家中。作为反合作伙伴,我们应该考虑另一种方式。
  2. 答:根据心理学家嫌搏们的研究,对人权的思考总是随着地点,情形绝辩还有时间的不同而改变。我们在谈判桌时的想法跟坐在朋友家的桌子旁时是不同的。作为对手,我们应该用另外一种方式思考。但是如果双方能本着友好的态度进行谈判的话,那么就有很大的可能来避免芹宏祥误解和许多障碍。
